Rolling Up

Rolling Up

This story begins just after NATO was formed: when the Attlee Government took the country to war in Korea. Churchill regained the premiership a year later, and three-quarters of all house building was by local authorities. It starts in the middle of a ten-year period – a period begun at the end of the WWII till the Macmillan government came to power. A golden age of local government power – parks, road verges and municipal gardens restored to pre-war standards, social mores returned as the war torn populace settled into civilian life. When Macmillan declared ‘you have never had it so good’, did he really know how right he was’. It was a start to the revolution in pre-printing technology. Here are some of the cultural changes, particularly those wrought by the Trades Union. These social changes affected physical and metaphysical sex, women’s liberation, children, marriage, flexible working and consumer choice.